Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

Beautiful Summer Wedding, Part 2

The second installment of my summer wedding posts - this one was amazing in every possible way.  I was a Bridesmaid in this  Pretty in Pink wedding and was so honored to be apart of such an extravagant celebration.

Before the actual wedding even got started - we had mani/pedis, ran a 5K all dressed in pink, splashed in a fountain post-jog and stayed in a lovely hotel for some major girl time.  It was an awesome fully packed weekend.

Just in case she forgot the words... 
Check out that beautiful pleating on the bottom of her wedding dress - it was truly amazing

My fancy hair - I loved it!

Bridesmaids - Pretty in Pink, for sure:

Our flowers:

Painted pink nails and our shoes, classic shot:

Reception Centerpieces:

The most delish cake, and strawberry I've ever had:

The rest of the night was spent dancing - dancing like there was no tomorrow! I don't think I've ever danced so much!  The band was amazing - played everything from Journey to Lady Gaga, slow songs, funky songs, dancing songs.  I couldn't even drink because I never got a chance to sit down! :)  That's the best. If you need a great band in the Kansas City area: Michael Beers Band.