Rabu, 27 April 2011

Lighten up your Karma and do good while shopping

I recently received this email and was more than happy to discover what it said:
"The Bootstrap Project's mission is to create a sustainable platform to promote and retain centuries-old crafts and customs. We create the outlet for the local artisans. The profits of the sales go back to the artists and their communities, through our development partners, to empower them by providing the education and opportunity to retain, preserve and advance their fast-dying crafts, customs and way of life. by purchasing through Bootstrap you allow artisans-who act as the catalyst for their whole communities-to end their own poverty. It's trade not aid." red in their website.
Well, looking at their mission and the beautiful work they create, it can't be easier to help. I have yet to come across a more beautiful work with such a wonderful mission. Each and every one of their design can be incorporated in any design setting because, after all, isn't that what "Global Chic" is all about?