Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Smashion - My Store & a Review

Hey all!  This weekend I started a very long process of cleaning out all my closets (yes, multiple - don't bring that up with the hubs).  I just have too much stuff.  It's time to minimize.  And let's face it, some of my clothes (that I still love so much) just don't fit right anymore.  So with a little help from Smashion, a sponsor of Chasing Davies, I am hoping to find them a new home.  You can check out my store here.

First, have you heard of Smashion?  It's like Ebay, but dedicated to fashion (clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc).  It feels a little more personal than Ebay and has a great community.  You may recall the interview they did on me a bit ago, and also have tons of other blogger interviews.  They also have a style section that people can post their looks to and browse other's.  So it's not just a shopping and selling site - but a whole fashionable experience!

As a seller, it's really easy to create your own store and upload you items.  As a buyer/shopper, you can shop the market by type of item, by sellers, by editor picks, by popular tags, by price and by date.  My only complaint is that you can't sort by size or brand (that I know of).

So check out my store on Smashion to see if there is anything that could make your closet happy!  And keep checking back for more - I've not even made a dent into my closet clean out.